“Félix Candela from Mexico City to Chicago,” lecture at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s School of Architecture and Urban Planning, February 14, 2025.
“Félix Candela from Mexico City to Chicago,” lecture at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s School of Architecture and Urban Planning, February 14, 2025.
Book Launches at the Graham Foundation in Chicago (5:30 pm on November 21, 2024) and the Ateneo Español de México in Mexico City (12 pm on January 25, 2025).
Félix Candela from Mexico City to Chicago: Rise and Fall of Experimentation in Concrete, ed. Alexander Eisenschmidt (Barcelona: Actar, 2024).
…The book project Félix Candela from Mexico City to Chicago was awarded a 2023 Graham Foundation publication grant.
“In Search of Félix Candela in Chicago,” lecture for We@UIC, February 15, 1pm … an introduction of the forthcoming edited volume on Félix Candela in Chicago.
Lecture on “The Good Metropolis” at Jefferson University, College of Architecture and the Built Environment, 6pm, September 21, 2020.
Review of The Good Metropolis in Architectural Record. Daniel Brook writes: “Eisenschmidt audaciously argues that a central tension in modern city-building has gone hiding in plain sight. While architects are by nature control freaks, sweating the details of their artifacts, the space where their creations are housed—the modern metropolis—is, by nature, out of control … All should eagerly tune in to his future broadcasts.”
Interview about The Good Metropolis on Night White Skies by Sean Lally. Listen to the Podcast at Night White Skies, iTunes, or Spotify.
The Good Metropolis Salon, a book launch and conversation on the productive tension between the city and architectural form, at UIC Architecture, South Lobby, A+D Studios, April 30, 6pm.
Twentieth-Century Architecture (The Project(s) of Modern Architecture), co-edited with David Leatherbarrow, vol. 4 in The Companions to the History of Architecture, ed. Harry Francis Mallgrave (Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, 2017).
…Thanks to the Getty Foundation for supporting the book project The Good Metropolis with the Library Research Grant, Summer 2016.
Graham Foundation Publication Grant for The Good Metropolis book project, 2015.
Chicagoisms makes Architecture Boston (AB) List of top books to read in 1914, followed by Koolhaas’ Delirious New York and Wolfe’s From Bauhaus to Our House.
Book Reviews of Chicagoisms in Dwell, Chicago Reader, the Mexican journal Arquine, and the German magazines Wohnrevue and Umriss.
Book launch event with panel discussion and reception at the Graham Foundation, April 5, 2014, 2pm.
…Chicago Reader publishes interview and book review of “Chicagoisms.”
Book Launch of City Catalyst at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago (September 22, 2012, 1pm) and Launch Party at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s School of Architecture (October 5, 2012, 6pm).
City Catalyst: Architecture in the Age of Extreme Urbanization, Architectural Design, # 219 (September/October 2012).
…The Formless Metropolis and Its Potent Negativity (dissertation project) received the Graham Foundation Carter Manny Award Trustees’ Merit Citation, 2006.